Our Mission

Miami County Right to Life exists to promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, from the time of fertilization until natural death.

Our Vision

We strive to create a culture where every child is welcomed into the world and protected by law; where every pregnant mother receives the help she needs to face an unplanned pregnancy; and where every terminally-ill person has access to decent pain relief and is protected from being killed by euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Who We Are

The Miami County Right to Life Society is the Miami County chapter of Ohio Right to Life. The society houses the following programs in an effort to promote and to preserve the sanctity of all human life.

Miami County Right to Life is the founding organization and 501(c)4 responsible for legislative activity.
Miami County Pro-Life Educational Foundationis the 501(c)3 responsible for educational and philanthropic activities. Donations to this foundation are tax-deductible.


Center for Life Building in Miami County


The Miami County Center for Life is the heart of our outreach ministry. It is a resource to Miami County families in need by providing education on healthy life choices, referrals to other community resources, and material assistance through the Baby Pantry. Click here for Center location and contact information.


The Miami County Baby Pantry, located inside the Center for Life,offers material assistance to young mothers and families in Miami County, including baby food, baby clothes, maternity clothes, diapers, and baby accessories. Items are donated by individuals, churches and other community organizations.
old hands holding baby's hands

The Miami County Center for Life is located at the corner of
E. Main St. and N. Clay St. in Troy, OH near the railroad tracks at:

Take a Tour

Get to know our mission at the Miami County Center for Life – who we are, what we do, and how you can get involved! Guests hear a heartfelt welcome from a staff member and then take a guided walk through the facility. Each tour is just one half hour. To arrange a tour for your group, contact Dave at denneking1@woh.rr.com.


By the late 1960’s many Miami County citizens had become concerned by the efforts of some groups throughout the U.S. to legalize abortion for any reason in several states, e.g. Arizona, California, New York. Pro-abortion legislation was proposed in Ohio.

Disturbed by the awareness that some local women were traveling to New York to have abortions, Rosemary Wildenhaus of Piqua felt that there was a strong need to form a pro-life organization.

On March 1, 1971 a group of people met at the Piqua National Bank Community Room and held the first meeting of what would become Miami County Right to Life. It was the 13th chapter in the State of Ohio and the only one between Dayton and Lima. The first newsletter was mailed to 178 new members.

By July 1973, due to increasing membership, the group separated into Darke County, Shelby County, and Miami County, forming incorporated chapters of Ohio Right to Life. A post office box was acquired, schools and libraries were supplied with literature, a Speakers Bureau was organized and a pro-life booth was staffed by members at the Miami County Fair.

In 1986 due to continuing membership growth, Miami County Right to Life opened its office and resource center at 3 S. Plum Street in Troy. The office has moved three times since then and is now located at 305 E. Main St in Troy.

In 2000 the Miami County Pro-Life Educational Foundation began. It is a non-profit, non-denominational, and non-political organization dedicated to the proliferation of pro-life information. Contributions to the Educational Foundation are tax deductible.


Miami County Right to Life

Miami County Pro-Life
Educational Foundation

David Geiger headshot



David Geiger headshot

Educational Foundation President


Dave Enneking headshot



Dave Enneking headshot

Educational Foundation Vice-President


David Geiger headshot



Dave Enneking headshot

Educational Foundation Secretary


David Geiger headshot



Dave Enneking headshot

Educational Foundation Treasurer