FUNdraising Ideas for Kids

Imagine if lots of kids gave a little… Together you can make a huge difference!

There are many ways for kids to help the children and families in our community. You can do some of these things on your own, or get your friends, classmates, or sports team involved. Below are some ideas, but feel free to use your imagination…

Kids helping kids

Make Your Birthday More Meaningful

Ask your birthday party guests to make a donation to the Center or bring a present or gift card to donate to a client in place of giving a gift to you.

Celebrate Special Milestones

Invite your family and friends to make a donation to the Center in celebration of your Bar Mitzvah/Bah Mitzvah, graduation, or some other special occasion.

Pay It Forward with Chores

Babysit, mow lawns, shovel snow, pet-sit—you name it—and donate a portion or all of your earnings to the Center for Life.

Spare Your Change

Hold a coin drive by placing canisters in places around your community to collect money for the Center (be sure to ask for permission first). Or start collecting all of the change in your own house and see how quickly it adds up!

Set Up Shop

Coordinate a Bake Sale or Lemonade Stand at a sporting event, concert, or in your neighborhood and make a big sign to let people know the money raised will benefit the Center for Life. Car washes and yard sales are also a great way to raise money. Or if you’re crafty, make something like jewelry that you can sell.

Fulfill a Holiday Wish

Help us make sure every child in our services has a gift to open during the holidays by holding a Wish List Gift Drive to collect new toys and gifts. You can even choose wishes from kids your own age during our Holiday Gift Drive in November and December.

Have Fun with Holidays

Charge admission to a haunted house at Halloween, sell “sweets for your sweetheart” treats at Valentine’s Day or have a 4th of July cookout in your backyard and ask friends to make a donation to the Center.

Create Your Own Event

Host a Spoof Olympics or a Scavenger Hunt and collect donations from friends and family to participate. Organize an event at your school (with permission), like a dance or ice cream social and sell tickets or ask for a donation at the door. If you have to wear a uniform to school, plan a Dress Down Day.

FUNdraising Tips
  • What will you do to raise money?
  • Who will run the fundraiser: students, parents, teachers, coaches?
  • How will people take part: as individuals, student teams, class, school, community wide?
  • When will it take place: a designated day or holiday, over a special week, or a certain day of the week?
  • Where will it take place: gym, classroom, garage sale or sports hall?
  • Do you need permission? Always check with those in charge before starting to plan the event .
Prepare an Action Plan
  • Gather any materials you might need, collect resources and enlist the help of friends, parents, other relatives or teachers.
  • Don’t forget to advertise about your event by making posters and sending emails or text messages to all your friends and family telling them about the event.
  • Set up a checklist of tasks and assign a date and person responsible if you have others helping you.
  • Identify a way to track your collection efforts and a safe place to store the money you collect.
Follow Up
  • Don’t forget to thank all those who helped.
  • Have an adult (teacher, parent) send a photo of your event to the local newspaper announcing your fundraising efforts.
  • Tell the Center about your fundraising efforts by sending an email and photo to Dave Enneking at Let us know if you’d like the opportunity to have your story featured on our website or in our newsletter.
  • Make checks payable to either “Miami County Right to Life” or “Miami County Pro-Life Educational Foundation” for a tax-deductible donation and send or bring all donations to:
    • Miami County Center for Life
      305 E. Main St.
      Troy, OH 45373